Complaints Policy

We are committed to providing an excellent standard of service to our customers. We value feedback from customers greatly because it helps us to continually improve our service. If you do not feel that you are receiving excellent customer service, or that something could be improved, please do tell us about it. If we have fallen short of the high standards we have set for ourselves then we would like the opportunity to put things right.

How to give feedback or make a complaint

Wherever possible it would be helpful if you could discuss any feedback or concerns with the member of staff dealing with your issue informally first, as they may be able to resolve your concerns without the need for a formal complaint. However, if the staff cannot resolve your concern informally, or if the issue is of such a serious or sensitive nature that you do not feel comfortable raising it with them, then please feel welcome to request the staff to escalate your concerns as a formal complaint or raise your concerns with our complaints team as a formal complaint.

How to make a formal complaint

To enable us to investigate and provide a thorough response to your concerns, we will need to form a good understanding of the issues. We would welcome hearing from you with a brief explanation of:

  • Why you feel dissatisfied with the service you have received.
  • If there is anything in particular that you would like us to do to resolve your complaint.

Please contact us using the details below:

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 318350

What happens after I have made a complaint?

We will:

  • Send a written acknowledgement of your complaint within 3 business days of receiving it.
  • Investigate the concerns, which may include reviewing your previous correspondence with us and any related records, and discussing the issues with the staff who have been working on your issue.
  • Let you know promptly if we need any further information from you to assist our investigation.
  • Write to you to provide a formal response to your complaint setting out the conclusion of our investigation and any proposals to rectify or resolve your concerns.

Do I have to pay my invoice if I am complaining?

Our invoices remain payable regardless of the investigation of any complaint. However, please be assured that if the outcome of any complaint investigation concludes that any adjustment or reduction in fees should be made, any reimbursement will be paid promptly at that time.

How long will it take?

We will aim to conclude our investigation and provide our response as quickly as possible. Although we will always aim for sooner, the process may take up to four weeks from receipt of your complaint. In exceptional circumstances it may be necessary to extend these timescales. If this occurs, we will let you know in writing and will try to agree any variations with you first.

What if I remain dissatisfied?

If your concerns relates to a .UK domain, you may be able to complain to Nominet about our services. You can contact Nominet using the details below:

Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +44 (0)1865 332244